Publications – Legal-сonsulting



  1. Administrative liability for tax offenses. The magazine “Taxes and Law”, 1st Part, Mai 2016.
  2. Compulsory insurance of premises against fire and natural disasters: Is it justified in Kyrgyzstan? The magazine “Taxes and Law”, 2nd Part, February 2016.
  3. Disciplinary responsibility of judges: Myth or Reality? January 2016.
  4. Compulsory insurance of premises against fire and natural disasters: Is it justified in Kyrgyzstan? The magazine “Taxes and Law”, 1st Part, November 2015.
  5. Licensing of educational services provided by the non-profit (and commercial) organizations, Magazine “Taxes and Law”, March and Mai 2015.
  6. My master study in Germany, LL.M, Deutsch in Kirgisistan, Rundbrief Nr.9, 2013/2014
  7. Tax treatment of German investments in Kazakhstan (in German language) with Thomas Kollruss as a co-author, International Tax Magazine, November 2009. Read the article online
  8.  Consequences of the violation of tax laws during tax audit in the arbitral trial, Magazine „Главный бухгалтер“, April 2002/Kyrgyzstan
  9. What is a tax? Magazine „Деловые вести“, Nr.6, 2001 and Nr.1, 2002.
  10. Double taxation agreements in Kyrgyzstan,  Magazine “Рынок капиталов”, Nr.4, 2000.
  11. A company and a trademark, Magazine „Деловые вести“, Nr. 6, 1999/ Kyrgyzstan.

Brochure: „The right way of applying to the arbitral court in Kyrgyzstan“, 2002, funded by the USAID.

Research paper: “Policies, Strategies and Legislation on external migration”, 2013, funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kyrgyzstan/Tadzhikistan.